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506ADC6P1724901 AB

NEMA Size 0 Rvsg Combination Discon
Manufacturer: Allen-Bradley
Manufacturer part number: 506-ADC-6P-17-24-901
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Product Details


Reversing Combo Disconnect


Rvsg Combination Discon,Size 0,120V 60 Hz,NEMA 3R/4/12 Metal Handle,Fusible,30 A Class H,Eutectic Alloy,No options,XFMR, w/2 Pri & 1 Sec Fuse,Aux Contact (Str, DS or CB),Surge Suppressor,600 VAC - 60Hz,Eutectic Overload,No Fuse Cover,1 N.O. 1 N.C.,Standard Capacity,80. VA,Ungrounded Transformer


Contact Rockwell Automation


Control Voltage:120V 60 Hz
Country of Origin:US
Disconnect Type:Fusible
Enclosure Type:NEMA 3R/4/12 Metal Handle
Fuse Clips:30 A Class H
Reset Type:Eutectic Alloy
Size:Size 0
