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Apache Extreme-Duty Belting

Published: Nov 17 2016


When the application’s a tough one – think aggregate, mining, logging, metals – it needs a belt that’s even tougher. To meet this need, CBT partner Apache is introducing new extreme-duty belt specification with the durability to stand up to even the most challenging uses.

Grade 1 800# High-Tensions Belt Specs

These high-tension belts are ideally suited to the aggregate industry and are particularly functional under primary rock crushers as well as being durable options at transfer points. Mining applications are another popular industry segment for this class of products, due to the strong carcasses and the Grade 1 covers. Thick skim coats between the plies can absorb high impact and stand up to repeated abrasion, which is required when conveying large lump sizes and heavy ores.

Moderate Oil Resistant 600# & 800# High Tensions Belt Specs

These belts are a popular choice for conveying large logs in the wood products industry, as well as scrap metal handling and crushing. Belts with higher tension ratings can withstand heavy and repetitive impacts, like those from free-falling logs to large chunks of metal. When used in metal recycling and crushing applications, these belts are a preferred choice to convey material away from stationary and guillotine shears. These belts are ideal for wood processing applications such as sawmills, as well as applications ranging from log decks, chipper in-feeds, debarking, and wood yards. For more information on Apache’s extreme-belting options, contact your CBT belting specialist today.

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