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R.A. Jones Gains Competitive Advantage

Published: Jul 7 2015

RA Jones Cartoner Increasing throughput, reducing energy use, and reducing operating and maintenance costs are three approaches packaging companies often take to gain a competitive advantage. While most companies tackle one approach at a time, R.A. Jones took on all three with the help of CBT and Rockwell Automation. R.A. Jones recently redesigned its Legacy 3 small center cartoner to help its customers that needed a faster throughput while keeping maintenance and energy costs low. CBT put R.A. Jones in touch with Rockwell Automation’s engineering team to develop an iTRAK solution.

“The addition of the iTRAK technology has really changed the game for us in cartoning. It eliminated the mechanical components from the machine, increased the transfer throughput, and significantly decreased energy use and needed maintenance.” – Eric Airgood, R.A. Jones

The technology behind this system was featured in a recent edition of The Journal. Read on to learn how R.A. Jones, CBT, and Rockwell Automation used advanced transfer technology to save customers time and money by boosting throughput, reducing energy use, and increasing flexibility. [pdf-embedder url=”/content/images/uploaded/blog/2015/07/RA-Jones-Redesigns-Cartoner.pdf”]

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